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Types for use with corgy (or standalone with argparse).

An object of the types defined in this module can be created by calling the respective type class with a single string argument. ValueError is raised if the argument can not be converted to the desired type.


>>> from corgy.types import KeyValuePairs
>>> StrIntMapType = KeyValuePairs[str, int]
>>> str_int_map = StrIntMapType("a=1,b=2")
>>> print(str_int_map)
{'a': 1, 'b': 2}
>>> class A: ...
>>> class B(A): ...
>>> class C(A): ...
>>> from corgy.types import SubClass
>>> ASubClsType = SubClass[A]
>>> a_subcls = ASubClsType("B")
>>> a_subcls_obj = a_subcls()
>>> a_subcls_obj
<B object at 0x106cd93d0>
>>> import argparse
>>> from argparse import ArgumentParser
>>> from corgy import CorgyHelpFormatter
>>> from corgy.types import InputFile
>>> parser = ArgumentParser(
...     formatter_class=CorgyHelpFormatter,
...     add_help=False,
...     usage=argparse.SUPPRESS,
... )
>>> _ = parser.add_argument("--f", type=InputFile)
>>> parser.print_help()
  --f file  (default: None)

corgy.types.KeyValuePairs #

Bases: dict, Generic[_KT, _VT]

Dictionary sub-class that is initialized from a string of key-value pairs.


>>> from corgy.types import KeyValuePairs
>>> MapType = KeyValuePairs[str, int]
>>> print(MapType("a=1,b=2"))
{'a': 1, 'b': 2}

This class supports the class indexing syntax to specify the types for keys and values. KeyValuePairs[KT, VT] returns a new KeyValuePairs type where the key and value types are KT and VT, respectively. Using the class directly is equivalent to using KeyValuePairs[str, str].

When called, the class expects a single string argument, with comma-separated key=value pairs (see below for how to change the separators). The string is parsed, and a dictionary is created with the keys and values cast to their respective types. ValueError is raised if this fails. This class is useful for parsing dictionaries from command-line arguments.

By default, the class expects a string of the form key1=value1,key2=value2,.... This can be changed by setting the following class attributes:

  • sequence_separator: The string that separates individual key-value pairs. The default is ,.

  • item_separator: The string that separates keys and values. The default is =.


Types returned by the KeyValuePairs[...] syntax are cached using the key and value types.


>>> MapType = KeyValuePairs[str, int]
>>> MapType.sequence_separator = ";"
>>> MapType2 = KeyValuePairs[str, int]  # same as `MapType`
>>> MapType2.sequence_separator
>>> MapType2.sequence_separator = ","

KeyValuePairs instances can also be initialized with a dictionary. However, note that the dictionary is not type-checked and is used as-is.

corgy.types.SubClass #

Bases: Generic[_T]

Type representing a sub-class of a given class.


>>> from corgy.types import SubClass
>>> class Base: ...
>>> class Sub1(Base): ...
>>> class Sub2(Base): ...
>>> BaseSubType = SubClass[Base]   # type for a sub-class of `Base`
>>> BaseSub = BaseSubType("Sub1")  # sub-class of `Base` named `Sub1`
>>> base_sub = BaseSub()           # instance of a sub-class of `Base`
>>> base_sub
<Sub1 object at 0x100ea40a0>

This class cannot be called directly. It first needs to be associated with a base class, using the SubClass[Base] syntax. This returns a new SubClass type, which is associated with Base. The returned type is callable, and accepts the name of a sub-class of Base. So, SubClass[Base]("Sub1") returns a SubClass type instance corresponding to the sub-class Sub1 of Base. Finally, the SubClass instance can be called to create an instance of the sub-class, e.g., SubClass[Base]("Sub1")().

This class is useful for creating objects of a generic class, where the concrete class is determined at runtime, e.g, by a command-line argument.


>>> from argparse import ArgumentParser
>>> parser = ArgumentParser()
>>> _ = parser.add_argument("--base-subcls", type=SubClass[Base])
>>> args = parser.parse_args(["--base-subcls", "Sub1"])
>>> base_obj = args.base_subcls()  # an instance of a sub-class of `Base`

For further convenience when parsing command-line arguments, the class provides a __choices__ property, which returns a tuple of all valid sub-classes, and can be passed as the choices argument to ArgumentParser.add_argument. Refer to the docstring of __choices__ for more information.

The behavior of sub-class type identification can be customized by setting class attributes (preferably on the type returned by the [...] syntax).

  • allow_base: If True, the base class itself will be allowed as a valid sub-class. The default is False.


>>> class Base: ...
>>> class Sub1(Base): ...
>>> class Sub2(Base): ...
>>> T = SubClass[Base]
>>> T.__choices__
(SubClass[Base]('Sub1'), SubClass[Base]('Sub2'))
>>> T.allow_base = True
>>> T.__choices__
(SubClass[Base]('Base'), SubClass[Base]('Sub1'), SubClass[Base]('Sub2'))
  • use_full_names: If True, the name passed to the constructor needs to be the full name of a sub-class, given by cls.__module__ + "." + cls.__qualname__. If False (the default), the name needs to just be cls.__name__. This is useful if the sub-classes are not uniquely identified by just their names.

  • allow_indirect_subs: If True (the default), indirect sub-classes, i.e., sub-classes of the base through another sub-class, are allowed. If False, only direct sub-classes of the base are allowed.


>>> class Base: ...
>>> class Sub1(Base): ...
>>> class Sub2(Sub1): ...
>>> T = SubClass[Base]
>>> T.__choices__
(SubClass[Base]('Sub1'), SubClass[Base]('Sub2'))
>>> T.allow_indirect_subs = False
>>> T.__choices__

The types returned by the SubClass[...] syntax are cached using the base class type. So all instances of SubClass[Base] will return the same type, and any attributes set on the type will be shared between all instances.

__choices__ classmethod property #

__choices__: Tuple[SubClass[_T], ...]

Return a tuple of SubClass instances for valid sub-classes of the base.

Each item in the tuple is an instance of SubClass, and corresponds to a valid sub-class of the base-class associated with this type.

name property #

name: str

Return the name of the sub-class associated with this type.

which property #

which: Type[_T]

Return the class represented by the SubClass instance.

__call__ #

__call__(*args, **kwargs)

Return an instance of the sub-class associated with this type.


>>> class Base: ...
>>> class Sub1(Base):
...     def __init__(self, x):
...         print(f"initializing `Sub1` with 'x={x}'")
>>> BaseSubType = SubClass[Base]
>>> BaseSub = BaseSubType("Sub1")  # an instance of the `SubClass` type
>>> base_sub = BaseSub(1)
initializing `Sub1` with 'x=1'

choice_names classmethod #


Return a tuple of names of valid sub-classes of the base class.

corgy.types.InitArgs #

Bases: Corgy, Generic[_T]

Corgy wrapper around arguments of a class's __init__.


>>> import argparse
>>> from argparse import ArgumentParser
>>> from typing import Sequence
>>> from corgy import CorgyHelpFormatter
>>> from corgy.types import InitArgs
>>> class Foo:
...     def __init__(
...         self,
...         a: int,
...         b: Sequence[str],
...         c: float = 0.0,
...     ):
...         ...
>>> FooInitArgs = InitArgs[Foo]
>>> parser = ArgumentParser(
...     formatter_class=CorgyHelpFormatter,
...     add_help=False,
...     usage=argparse.SUPPRESS,
... )
>>> FooInitArgs.add_args_to_parser(parser)
>>> parser.print_help()
  --a int        (required)
  --b [str ...]  (required)
  --c float      (default: 0.0)
>>> args = parser.parse_args(["--a", "1", "--b", "one", "two"])
>>> foo = Foo(args.a, args.b, args.c)

This is a generic class, and on using the InitArgs[Cls] syntax, a concrete Corgy class is created, which has attributes corresponding to the arguments of Cls.__init__, with types inferred from annotations. The returned class can be used as any other Corgy class, including as a type annotation within another Corgy class.

All arguments of the __init__ method must be annotated, following the same rules as for other Corgy classes. Positional only arguments are not supported, since they are not associated with an argument name. TypeError is raised if either of these conditions is not met.

corgy.types.InputTextFile #

Bases: TextIOWrapper

TextIOWrapper sub-class representing an input file.


Name Type Description Default
path StrPath

Path to a file.


The file must exist, and will be opened in text mode (r). ValueError is raised if this fails. An atexit handler will be registered to close the file on program termination.

stdin_wrapper classmethod #


sys.__stdin__ as InputTextFile.

corgy.types.InputBinFile #

Bases: BufferedReader

Type for an input binary file.


Name Type Description Default
path StrPath

Path to a file.


This class is a thin wrapper around BufferedReader that accepts a path, instead of a file stream. The file must exist, and will be opened in binary mode. ValueError is raised if this fails. An atexit handler will be registered to close the file on program termination.

stdin_wrapper classmethod #


sys.__stdin__ as InputBinFile.

corgy.types.OutputTextFile #

Bases: TextIOWrapper

TextIOWrapper sub-class representing an output file.


Name Type Description Default
path StrPath

Path to a file.


The file will be created if it does not exist (including any parent directories), and opened in text mode (w). Existing files will be truncated. ValueError is raised if any of the operations fail. An atexit handler will be registered to close the file on program termination.

init #


No-op for compatibility with LazyOutputTextFile.

stderr_wrapper classmethod #


sys.__stderr__ as OutputTextFile.

stdout_wrapper classmethod #


sys.__stdout__ as OutputTextFile.

corgy.types.LazyOutputTextFile #

Bases: OutputTextFile

OutputTextFile sub-class that does not auto-initialize.

Useful for "default" files, which only need to be created if an alternative is not provided. init must be called on instances before they can be used.

init #


Initialize the file.

corgy.types.OutputBinFile #

Bases: BufferedWriter

Type for an output binary file.


Name Type Description Default
path StrPath

Path to a file.


This class is a thin wrapper around BufferedWriter that accepts a path, instead of a file stream. The file will be created if it does not exist (including any parent directories), and opened in binary mode. Existing files will be truncated. ValueError is raised if any of the operations fail. An atexit handler will be registered to close the file on program termination.

init #


No-op for compatibility with LazyOutputBinFile.

stderr_wrapper classmethod #


sys.__stderr__ as OutputBinFile.

stdout_wrapper classmethod #


sys.__stdout__ as OutputBinFile.

corgy.types.LazyOutputBinFile #

Bases: OutputBinFile

OutputBinFile sub-class that does not auto-initialize.

Useful for "default" files, which only need to be created if an alternative is not provided. init must be called on instances before they can be used.

init #


Initialize the file.